Since I had already spoken with two SIS students, well, two students who are lucky enough to have their interviews posted on this blog, I figured it would only be fair and balanced of me to get the opinion of an SOC student, said student being Chris Marotta, a sophomore Visual Media major here at AU. While our interview was over 2Amys pizza, which, by the way, is probably the BEST pizza I have ever eaten, and relatively short, I still feel it gives a good "other side" to the story I want to tell.
LB: So Christoph, how are you?
CM: I'm great, enjoying my pizza, so ready to talk about how green AU is according to my knowledge.
LB: Well then, let's get right to it, as a current SOC student, what does SOC do to stay green?
CM: Well, I know the media production center has a green roof, whatever that means, but that's about it that I know of.
LB: It's been said by some professors that AU film students use green film techniques though?
CM: I mean, we use rechargeable batteries, but I have never been instructed on other green techniques.
LB: So that's it?
CM: Yeah, I don't know where you heard that we are required to use green film techniques, but then we would need special lights and solar powered cameras and things like that, and so far, I have had no experience with anything like that.
LB: If you do not use green film techniques, then how do you think SOC stays green?
CM: Well it's nothing like the new SIS building, which is going to be like completely self-sustaining with collecting rain water and everything. I don't even think the new building, whenever AU decides to start building it, is going to be green at all.
LB: Why do you think AU chose to make SIS the first completely green building in DC then and not SOC?
CM: Probably because SIS has more people and there are actually majors geared towards environmental studies. I think it's dumb because SOC does not even have a building yet. We're all cramped on the third floor of Mary Graydon while SIS students already have a building.
LB: Do you think it's a money issue?
CM: I mean maybe, since SOC already requires a lot of money to make new film studios and buy new and improved equipment, but still, students pay so much money to this school already, the least AU could do is put out some of it to make a building for SOC, green or otherwise. I'm more concerned with maybe being able to use brand new facilities for my senior projects, which probably isn't even going to happen anyway, than have a "green facility."
LB: So does that mean that you are not concerned with being green?
CM: Of course I'm a little concerned, the world is running out of natural resources, but right now I'm more concerned with getting a good education and gaining enough skills and experience to get a job in two years when I graduate.
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