Since the new construction project directly affects students both in SIS and SOC, I decided it would be a good idea to not only get the opinions of professors and those involved in the projects, but also the opinions of the students in these respective schools. So, I decided Victor Rotolo, a sophomore at American and SIS student, would be a fabulous person to ask some questions. Considering he is one of my best friends, though, the actual interview process was a bit interesting.
LB: So Vic, are you familiar with the new construction projects at AU, specifically the new SIS building and the plans for an SOC building?
VR: Yes, I know about them, I just want SIS to get done before I graduate.
LB: Why is that?
VR: Because I want to be able to use the new facility! The current building is so outdated and poorly constructing, there aren't even elevators to the second floor! What if I was in a wheelchair and had class upstairs? I wouldn't ever go because I couldn't physically get there!
LB: Yes, improvements like elevators are being added to the new SIS, but why do you think American decided to make the building completely green?
VR: I think because the state of America and the world as a whole is becoming a bigger and bigger issue. I mean, after Al Gore's film, I know I certainly took into account how much pollution I was contributing on a daily basis. So, I mean, if American is constructing a new building, why not make it self-powered and completely green?
LB: But why only SIS? What about SOC?
VR: I hate to be arrogant, but I think SIS is just more nationally recognized. It's in DC and it's an international service school! So, American probably decided if they were going to fork out the money to make a building green, why not put the money into its highest ranked program?
LB: Is that fair, though, considering SIS already has a building and SOC does not?
VR: I just think there are more students in SIS, both undergraduate and graduate, so they needed the space more than SOC. Besides, SOC is going to get a nice building eventually, just not right away.
LB: I mean, maybe, but why do you think that SOC is not going to be completely green as of right now and SIS is?
VR: Again, it is because of the school's basis. It's the School of International Service, and being green and helping the environment is an international issue, so it just makes more sense to fork out the money for a completely green SIS than it does for the School of Communications.
LB: SOC is also ranked nationally, though, so why not put the money into both?
VR: But SIS is still more well known, and besides, SOC students are just jealous because many of them will not go out into the world and try to make a difference in places like Bangladesh, while many SIS majors are oriented with specific areas around the world and plan on working there after college.